Very pleased to announce that this Friday sees the release of the new Alternative TV single, which features two more experiments into the finely tuned, or is that 'untuned', art of making a racket. Not any old single, mind you. This is going to be a limited edition lathe cut, released on Graham Duff's Heaven's Lathe label.
The A side features 'Burning Plastic', where 2 synthesizers battle it out over the noise of the filing cabinet from hell. The flip is 'Machines', with Mark Perry sawing away on a violin over the sound of a computer that's on the blink. Punk anthems they're not...thank god.
Alternative TV on this release is Mark Perry, Gareth Matthews and Dave Morgan. With Mark's son, Alfie, joining in on 'Burning Plastic'. Art and design is by our very own Radley Cook.
To get one of these, you have to get in quick. The single is limited to 100 hand-numbered copies and go on sale on Friday evening at 6pm here.